Friday, January 9, 2009

Nov 08 to 12-22-08

I can't believe I haven't blogged since Nov. !!! and it's now Jan. 2009. Wow.

Well here are some of the loads we have done since then...
Baltimore, MD to Fairbury, NE carrying: Boric Acid

Omaha, NE to Ogden, UT : Donuts/Twinkies

Jerome, ID to Oakland, CA : Dairy Whey

Benicia, CA (near Oakland) to Elberta, AL and Ocala, FL. : Wine

Warner-Robbins, GA to Dayton, TX : Concentrated Cleaning Solution (Non Haz)

La Porte, TX (near Houston) to Sante Fe Springs, CA (LA basin) : small plastic pellets
(They are easily melted down to be used for other things.)
This was a slow run, so that let us go home for Thanksgiving for a few days, then deliver the load on Monday.

November 2008
Then Home in San Diego, CA for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Very Nice, but Mom got sick... we thought is was the flu... it turned out to be a ruptured Appendix!!! Surgery happened just after Thanksgiving. As she was recovering... THAT is when she happened to get a cold.... she is totally recovered now and back at work. Thank You God.

Also while home... Leroy got hit (side rear) by another car while in my Mom/Dad's car. No one was hurt. (Thank You God) But the car was totalled by the Insurance company... so they (Mom & Dad) were able to get a nicer, newer car. Very Cool.

Then delivered load in LA basin to Sante Fe Springs.
Had tires and brakes done in our Fontana yard.... then on the road again.

Next Load:
Chino, CA (in the LA basin) to Portland, OR & Vancouver, WA : Plastic Film
3 drops.. after this, we thought we were going to be doing Christmas tree runs North and South on the West coast, but they said it takes too long to load the trees so they decided to send us cross country.

In Portland, OR... They sent us to get our trailer "vented" so we could haul produce.
So what do we get to haul next? Produce....

Next stop:
Prosser, WA to St. Louis, MO : (you guessed it) ONIONS
We had to get a small heater to heat the onions so they wouldn't freeze in these cold temps.
Below freezing and dipping to 5.

Along the way... (12-7-08) we got to stop for an evening in Salina, KS for the LAY family Christmas pot luck. Very Fun!!!

Dec. 8th, 2009
Terre Haute, IN to Hollis, Maine : plastic sheeting
This was not a good run (or a good week) for me. I was... 'off''. I don't know.
We were told to pick up a load in Terre Haute, IN. which was I-70 east from where we were. Well... somewhere along the way I took a wrong turn and ended up on the I-55 north, and ended up 80 miles out of route.

By the time I got over to the Pick up place... I was 3 hours late. Not good. This was a HOT team load that had to be in Hollis, Maine overnight.
To make up some time... I started SPEEDING. Not good. Got a Speeding ticket in OHIO.
Doing 66 in a 55. $175. Ouch. I learned my lesson. NO speeding!

It was suppose to be there by 5pm. We got there at 11pm.
The receiver didn't seem to mind... it's always the Broker that gets cranky.

I really don't like the New England states.
Very cramped.
No truck stops, and toll roads everywhere!

We were taking plastic sheeting to a Water Bottling company about 25 miles off the main highway 95..... Way back on small country roads, at night, and icey. very bad.
We stayed at the Bottling Company yard over night, then moved to a Wal-Mart closer to the I-95. And waited two days to get a load out.

Sterling, MA (west of Boston) to Channelview, TX (near Houston) : Medical Railings
Leroy got the flu during this run... we delivered a day late. Then spent the weekend recovering.

Houston, TX to Topeka, KS : old used USPS mail equipment to their warehouse

Atchison, KS to Clinton, MA : Corn - in large 4ft by 4ft bags. very heavy.
(I can't believe we're going back to MASS!)

I told our dispatcher that the only way I was going to go to MASS was if we had a pre-planned load coming out of there --because we are suppose to be in Indiana for Christmas (actually BEFORE Christmas) with our daughter, Desiree. (and the last time we went up in that area we didn't get a load out for 2 days.)

He found us a load that picked up immediately after we dropped,... going to Indianapolis IN.... OK.

Townsend, MA to Indianapolis, IN : Cleaning supplies, like scrub spounges
As we were leaving Townsend, MA... it started SNOWING. Everyone in the area knew this storm was coming and they were closing up shop and battening down the hatches. We were hoping to be able to drive out in front of it. That didn't happen. Instead... We drove about 15 miles, the snow got progressively worse, so we got the last spot at a "service area" on the Toll I-90 in Charlton, MA. Since we had time... it was OK.

Woke up in the am... snow covering everything, and our truck wouldn't start. (Oooo NO). Had to get a jump for a very nice Flatbedder (Thank you again... You are a God send).... then got the batteries checked and replaced in NY.... on our way out of there.

Arrived in Indianapolis - early for our delivery. Sometimes they let you deliver early. Sometimes not. I was hoping for Yes. This time is was NO.
So we waited ALL day in their parking lot for our "appointed" time... 1600 4pm. bummer.
We FINALLY got unloaded. It is now 7pm. By the time I drive 3 hours up to Valpo it will be 10pm.

I had told our dispatcher that I wanted to be in Valparaiso, IN by Sunday 12/21. It was now Monday, 12/22.. and this day was almost all gone! So now I'm essentially 2 days late.
and he had the nerve to try and book me a load for the next day going to 20 miles near Valparaiso. I said NO. I am driving there TONIGHT. I was suppose to be there yesterday. So we drove.

We met Desiree for a very late dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant, and got to see the second half the Green Bay Packer game. (they lost in OT... bummer).
But it was really great to see Desiree!!

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