Saturday, January 10, 2009

Trucking and Diabetes

I have been over weight for a while now. Within the last 9 months I have been told that I have Pre-Diabetes.

That scared me. And it started me thinking...

So... I figured I had better do something NOW so that it doesn't become full blown diabetes. I have just started reading up on how my lifestyle has to change.. eating habits, exercise, everything...

Eating healthier and exercising has always been an obstacle for me. But something inside me "knows" that I need to eat healthier and start exercising NOW. Before it's too late.

Here is a really good video (about 6 mins), that shows the trucking industry with its unique challenges to overcome in order to eat right and exercise, and live with diabetes if necessary. Watch...
I am hoping that some day I can meet with the doctor in the video, Dr. John McElligott.
At the PD-MD clinic at the Petro near Knoxville, TN.

So for right now I am learning... what I need to eat, balancing my carbs, and trying to incorporate exercise into my daily lifestyle while being "on the road".

Here is too your Health!!!

1 comment:

George said...

I also have a problem with the weight. Decided that Im going to do something about it this year. DOT is going to make it hard for the overweight drivers out here and I already have enough problems. Plus it would be nice to live longer and see my grandchildren grow up. I will be talking about it more later at